one-on-ONe individual coaching sessions
Our sessions will be
Our sessions will be unique and personalized to your professional or personal goals and what you want to accomplish each session. Whether you want executive, leadership, professional or personal coaching, there is no goal too small or out of scope, and you will have time and space to focus on what is important to you in our time together!
Completing our sessions via video call allows you to set aside time in your day at a time and place that best works for you to focus, dream and problem-solve.
Your time is valuable, and so are you! Our sessions will last for their prescribed time period, and I will provide a supportive and safe space for you to explore during that time.

“People have a reservoir of talent worth discovering. They just have to be given the opportunity to discover it in themselves.”
Ricardo Semler
BOOK YOUR FREE strategy session today!
In our strategy session, we will create an individualized plan for how to get from where you are right now to your goal state, either personally or professionally (or both!).
We will review how coaching works and how our work together can help you achieve your goals.
You’re then free to decide if you want to proceed with coaching with me—it helps to know what to expect before you start!
Standard Coaching Package
3-Month, 6-Month, and 12-Month Packages available
Individual 1:1 Coaching Sessions are an opportunity for you to spend focused time on yourself and moving forward on your journey to the new you! We’ll work together to set goals, uncover barriers and work on creating an action plan for how you will achieve those goals. The Standard Coaching Package includes
One 90-minute discovery session to dive deep into what you’re hoping to achieve.
45-minute sessions over the course of several months (two sessions per month)
One 90-minute half-year check-in session (for 12-month package only).
Email support between sessions as needed.
Laser Coaching Package
Annual laser coaching package
This laser package offers short, targeted sessions to provide more timely and frequent coaching for items that may come up in your personal or professional life. This package includes:
One 90-minute discovery session to dive deep into what you’re hoping to achieve.
Unlimited 15-minute sessions for one calendar year, scheduled by client per client and coach availability.
Year-end 45-minute wrap up session to review annual progress.
Email support between sessions as needed.
If I do the free strategy session, will I be obligated to do anything after that?
Nope! It’s an honor for me to meet you and spend time with you defining your goals, and I want you to feel like working together in an ongoing way is the right thing, so moving forward is up to you!
How is coaching different from therapy, consulting or mentoring?
Coaching is about optimizing your life and your journey, and it’s all led by you. We likely won’t dive into deeper issues or your past (that’s therapy!) and I won’t usually prescribe how you should proceed (that’s consulting!) or tell you what I’ve done in a similar situation (that’s mentoring!), I’m here to support you, reflect with you, and provide you space to explore and a safe place to focus to unlock your path for yourself.
What happens if I purchase a package and I decide I don’t want to continue through the end of the package?
I want you to leave our time together feeling understood, supported and respected. Which means that if you want to cancel your package after a period of time before the end of your package, I will work with you to refund an agreed-upon pro-rated portion of your package fee.
How much does each package cost?
I’m happy to review the costs of each coaching package during our initial free strategy session! I’m also happy to offer discounted rates for non-profit professionals.
Is coaching covered by Health insurance?
Coaching is not a covered health benefit. You may qualify for use of professional development or wellness funds through your organization’s benefits that can be applied directly to your coaching package, so check with your employer!
Is coaching confidential?
It is absolutely confidential, within the bounds of safe and ethical practice, which we will discuss at the beginning of our work together, so you know exactly what to expect related to confidentiality and disclosure. I want to respect your journey, and that starts with creating a safe and private space for you to share!